Perform Action – Changing the business process via a workflow

So just taking a look at all of the available perform actions in workflows that are provided out of the box and found SetProcess.

SetProcess enables via a workflow to change the current business process of a record. For example, you are working on an opportunity and the decision timeframe is a year, this would most likely have a different sales approach to an opportunity closing in a month. Via a workflow we change the business process automatically.

So how do we do it? It’s easy follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings->Processes
  2. Create a new process of type workflow, give it a name “Change process -long running opportunity” etc
  3. So for my example I create a condition on the Purchase Timeframe, if equal to This year then do action.
  4. I select perform action
  5. pefrom actiom
  6. I select SetProcess and click on properties. All I need to select is the business process and the record to apply it to.
  7. setprocess
  8. Save and close
  9. Finally Activate the process, all done.

When I navigate to my opportunity and update the purchase timeframe to This Year, once I refresh the record the business process will change.



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